Tuesday, January 25, 2011

English Blog #1: Values

Based on some of the items depicted in the picture of the Fernandez family, one can infer that the family emphasizes the conservation of food supplies. Items such as the 2.1 quart of vegetable oil and the 9 ounce ketchup bottles are clear indicators of this. Unless they are used at a restaurant, food items in that quantity are typically not depleted within a week's time. Other items that also show previous use are the orange-capped milk jug, Aunt Jemima syrup bottle, and the honey bottle behind the head of lettuce. The reason why these items are in the photo are to show how much is truly needed for use in one week.

A negative that this picture may have is the excess of American life. The McDonald's food and the take-out boxes indicate as such. While the Fernandez family may have to resort to fast-food and pre-made foods in order to save time, the cost for take-out is one cent more than the total cost of meat and fish and the fast-food contains ice cream treats that have no nutritional value. Another key item in the picture is the glass bowl of peanut butter. Instead of keeping it in the usual peanut butter jar (i.e. Peter Pan or Jif) to contain its freshness, it sits in a bowl and opened to the elements. Perhaps it has already served its use and the remnants will be thrown-out. If this is the case, then it shows how this American family takes food for granted. The pantry also plays into the excessive habits of the family. There's plenty of food in the pantry that the family could have used throughout the week, but they chose to spend money on more food. These items can represent the wasteful nature of the Fernandez household and the lack of value in what food they have.

Speaking of wasting food . . .Peter Eats Hydrated Food

1 comment:

  1. You’ve done a nice job carefully observing both the photo and the itemized list, and have drawn inferences based on these observations; however, this post veers off topic a little bit. The prompt asked you to “choose two or three words or phrases that you think accurately describe what this photograph is communicating.” You split your response into the contradicting themes of “conservation” and “excess,” which is an insightful start (nice job!), but these terms need to be more directly stated in the context of the prompt. From there, the prompt asks you to “use evidence from the photo to illustrate your choices.” You do this at times, but much of your evidence comes from the itemized list rather than the image itself. The prompt asks you to restrict your observations to the image only. The final portion of the prompt, “how would seeing this image in a different context…change the way you read it” is unaddressed. Though your inferences are insightful, a big part of this course will focus not only on writing well, but on following all directions. This requires careful attention to writing prompts—often addressing multiple questions in one piece of writing. After you’ve written a response or an essay, go back and review the prompt again to verify that all required criteria have been addressed.

    Nice job overall with this first posting!
    Love the link...
